Application Package Review
For a review of your complete application to a specific university, upload all supplemental essays through the Insta-Edits submission form.
Your editor will examine:
- Content: quality and appropriateness of essay topic, relevance of details included, the degree to which essay successfully answers original prompt
- Structure: Does your essay make a clear and coherent argument? Does it effectively transition between points and paragraphs? Could it be improved by rearranging the content?
- Style: tone, individuality of voice, use of language, use of literary elements
- Theme: What are the intended and perceived themes of your essay? With what overarching message does the essay leave the reader? How does the theme contribute to an overall application narrative?
- Grammar/Spelling/Syntax: meticulous proofreading, review of sentence structure
Our Yale application essay review service includes:
- Comprehensive line edits and feedback for each essay (Why Yale, short takes, supplemental responses, and Common App)
- Written essay critique assessing each essay for content, structure, style, theme, and grammar/spelling/syntax
You will receive:
- Application
- Essay critique assessing each essay for the five key points listed above and making concrete suggestions for improvement.
- Grammar/spelling/syntax line edits and in-text comments.
- A 15-minute live consultation with your editor following the completion of edits.