A new kind of college admissions consulting.
Zen Admissions approaches college admissions differently. We seek to bring calm and clarity to students' lives by making the application process manageable. We view admissions not as a rat race, but as an opportunity to craft a one-of-a-kind narrative that showcases your full potential and remains relevant long after high school graduation. We help students develop time management skills, discover enriching experiences, and cultivate their passions. With each of our unique services, ranging from essay coaching to high school mentorship, we provide students with powerful tools to minimize stress while achieving maximum success.
Zen Admissions empowers students to click the "submit" button with confidence and begin their first year of college enthusiastic and energized. Drop us a line to learn more about how you can become a zen applicant!
our services
Find out about the many ways we can bring zen to your college admissions experience right now.
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